Monday, August 5, 2013


Xinjiang was the first place I ever traveled to in life. I was a year and four months old. Though I was small and only spent about a year there, I think a lot of me has been influenced by the place, such as my taste buds, what I like and my acceptance of flavors that most people would find strange.
Th last time I came here was over ten years ago. After that, my grandparents moved to Shanghai and since then, we never had a reason to go back (though I always wanted to><)
My first time boarding a plane like this. like a superstar ^_<
I feel like I've been flying in the air forever these days. I can never sleep on a plane, so I end up super tired. (x_x)
But alas! Urumqi Airport! Small, but cozy. I miss seeing Arabic letters. :)
And the pretty architecture. Feels like a fairy tale☆.
We went straight to our hotel from the airport. I have no clue where anything is because the roads are being reconstructed.
hotel lobby and private party room
And here's a glimpse of my dinner. xD
From left to right, top to bottom: 乳鴿 pigeon, 涼粉 cold noodles, 刺身 sashimi, 海參 sea cucumber, 白水蝦 shrimp.

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